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Chemsafe Forum
Welcome to the chemsafe forum
A safe online space for chemsafe conversations and community.
To help the forum get started we have limited topics to three themes: website feedback, harm reduction, and chemsex recovery. More topics will be added in due course and suggestions are encouraged within the feedback section.
You do not need to create an account to engage in the conversation, but please read and follow our forum rules:
All forum users must be over the age of 18.
The forum cannot offer immediate response. For crisis support click here.
Do not use your real name or share identifiable information. Use a random username generator.
Do not promote chill outs / chemsex parties etc.
Use clear, accessible language and trigger warn posts when appropriate.
Keep it real, but do not glamourise chemsex.
In using the forum you agree to the above rules of safety, anonymity and respect.
Comments that do not adhere to these guidelines will either be edited, or will not be published.
This feature is monitored by real people so please expect a delay before your comment appears on this webpage.
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